WINTER 2007 -Volume 54, Number 4
The Importance of History
General T. Michael Moseley, Air Force Chief of Staff- Air Force History Office—Living Legends Series
Moderated by C. R. “Dick” Anderegg - Session I: “Emerging Air Power: The World War II Era”
Alison, Hallion, McGee, and Taylor - Session II: “The Jet Age: Korea, Vietnam, Cold War”
Hanton, Harbison, Hornburg, and McInerney - Session III: “Modern Warfare: Desert Storm, OIF and OEF
Deptula and Link
FALL 2007 – Volume 54, Number 3
Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918-1945 Part II: The Air War over Europe, 1939-1945
Donald R. Baucom- The Short But Interesting Life of a Plane Called Rivet Top
William Cahill - A Visionary Ahead of His Time: Howard Hughes and the U.S. Air Force Part I: The Air Corps Design Competition
Thomas Wildenberg - The U.S. Air Force Response to Hurricane Katrina
Daniel L. Haulman
SUMMER 2007 – Volume 54, Number 2
Billy Mitchell, the 3d Attack Group and the Laredo Project
Roger G. Miller- Wakes of War: Contrails and the Rise of Air Power, 1918-1945–Part I: Early Sightings and Preliminary Explanations, 1918-1938
Donald R. Baucom - “Bring Me Men and Women:” The Integration of Women into the United States Air Force Academy
Allison Gawlinski - “In Recognition of Their Unique Record:” Tuskegee Airmen Awarded the Congressional Gold Medal
Alan Gropman
SPRING 2007 – Volume 54, Number 1
A Very High Road: A B–36 Gunner’s Story
Edward William Van Orman- A Day on Northern Watch: November 2, 2000
Peter P. Bartos - “Go to the Moon instead of just going into orbit”
Craig B. Waff - Strategic Air Command’s B–29s during the Berlin Airlift
Brian S. Gunderson